Friday, June 12, 2015
  dnsmasq doesn't play well with OpenBSD
Try to pxeboot install OpenBSD, and was surprised to find I can not use dnsmasq. dnsmasq is the right thing to do this work, it is simple, it is compact, it has dhcp/dns/tftp integrated in one and is the perfect choice for pxe install, except for OpenBSD.

OpenBSD's pxeboot requires reverse arp, and check this out:



Sunday, October 26, 2014
  Boox M96测评





第三是内置软件粗糙不堪。机器自带的几个软件在读epub的时候,居然没有办法显示目录。启动FBReader,却被告知某个目录没有写权限。本以为中文的阅读器会多给几个字体,结果拿到手一看,只有最丑陋的default,要宋体还得自己安装。最可气的是,安装了Adobe Acrobat Reader,居然每次打开pdf文件的时候,程序都崩溃。我装这个App就是为了读pdf,你不开pdf它不崩溃,你一开他就崩溃。你们出货的时候到底测试过没有?


Friday, December 27, 2013
  Windows 8 sucks, recap
This time it is the narrator. I don't know how I triggered it, but I turned it on by accident. Then the problem starts. How can I stop it, or even better, how can I disable it?

The first challenge, you guess, is to find out the Microsoft lingo for this "feature". After searching on the Internet for 15 minutes, I got the magic word: "Narrator".

OK, then the second job is to disable it. Not too bad, Windows Key + Enter. But how to disable this feature? I am surprised to find that actually you can not. Someone suggests to shut off the executable bit of the binary. But dude, this is not a fix, it's a hack!

I was wondering why this time Microsoft choose to use hot key? Why not give us a small icon in the systray, and you can turn it on and off using this icon, just like managing input method. 

I can not help thinking:

In a serious business show, someone turned on his laptop and try to give the presentation. But somehow he turned on this "feature", then everytime when he click a key or move the mouse, a expressionless voice interrupted him. He tries to turn off this "feature", but just like me, he didn't know how the MS guys call this feature. And after a furious and frustrating 15 minutes, his time is up.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
  Windows 8 sucks
I have a D-Link DNS-320. Also I have a Windows 8 laptop. Both of them have been there for very long time, and they are not talking with each other, because I always use Linux. Then today I need to use Windows to access the files on the DNS-320 box.

Well, the story begins.

First, there's no start button in Windows 8. In the old days, what you want to do is just click the start button, and input \\hostname\sharename, and voila! But how am I going to do with Windows 8?

There is a File Exploder button (whatever you call it). And when you click it, it shows something. I say something, because I really don't understand what it really is. For example, under the "Homegroup" category, there's a user. What does that mean? What is "Homegroup"? I assume it is something like the workgroup name. Then in this case, shouldn't the sub-items be hostnames?

Actually after waisting 3 hours I finally figured out it is some quasi proprietary protocol. A combination of Bonjour, DNLA ..., which totally doesn't work for me.

Of course I search the Internet. There's plenty of tutorials, and all of them are not applicable. Basically what they say is, click the File exploder button, go to the Window that I am already at, and the server should readily appear under the "Network" category.

They are lying! Windows 8 can NEVER automatically discover my DNS-320 box. I will say that again. Windows 8 can *NEVER* find my nas box!

It is purely by chance that I finally find out how to configure it.

click "file exploder", scroll to "Network", right click it, click "Map network drive", there should be a dialogue. Then click the link which reads "connect to a Web site that you can use to store your documents and pictures". There should be a wizard come out. Click next, and fill the "Internet and network address"

OK, Microsoft, you really do a good job. What a fun of Windows 8. Tons of "Guess what I am thinking" quiz.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
  typesetting manpage for 6 inch ebook reader

Find out the gz file for the man page, and run the command (here we took bash as example).

cat /usr/share/man/man1/bash.1.gz | gunzip -  | groff -Tps -dpaper=b6l -P-pb6 -P-l -man  | ps2pdf - /tmp/bash.man.pdf

  The overall accessment about PowerShell

From my point, PowerShell is not a good product.

Shell, by definition, is something that glue the applications together. In the Unix world, if you follow the basic conventions, like deal with stdin, stdout, stderr, everything is string, exit code 0 stands for success ..., then you are OK. It doesn't matter whatever language, whatever library you are using. It will be very easy for the end users to call your code. And if other people also follow the same convention, it should be equally easy for you to call their code. However, PowerShell is totally different. Everything is .NET. The arguments, the return values, and even the invocation of the PowerShell commands are .NET stuff. So if you want to write some code that needs to talk with PowerShell, and the language or the library are not .NET ready, then you are screwed. In this way, Powershell is not a shell for the operating system, it is just a shell for .NET.

But MS has really done a great job. PS actually is pretty handy by its own. But the problem is, shell is not a something that mean to play by its own.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012
  compile node.js on my DNS-320

The appliance is running chrooted squeeze. To build node, simply set several environments.

$ export TMPDIR=/tmp
$ export CC='gcc -march=armv5t -mfloat-abi=softfp -fno-tree-sink -O0'
$ export CCFLAGS='-march=armv5t -mfloat-abi=softfp -fno-tree-sink -O0'
$ export CXX='g++ -march=armv5t -mfloat-abi=softfp -fno-tree-sink -O0'
$ export GCC='-march=armv5t -mfloat-abi=softfp -fno-tree-sink -O0'
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/jhuang/.local/ --without-snapshot

And voila! It takes quite long to finish, but you know patience is meant to be used this way.

Monday, October 24, 2011
  ubuntu sucks
I've been using Ubuntu since 606, and it used to be my favorite distribution, but now I want to say it sucks.

After upgrading to 11.10, I noticed that we don't have any choice but Unity. And the result is it is as slow as Vista. I launched gvim, which is my favourite editor. How laggy it is? You type a key, and it doesn't respond. After few seconds, the cursor begins to move down, and now what you want is to make it stop, and you can't. Do they also buffer your key stroke?

Ubuntu always bring us some funny bugs. And today I got one. cups-pdf doesn't have a backend. Then I check the package, and to my surprise dpkg tells me that cups-pdf doesn't have /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf any more.

I remember the Ubuntu #1 bug. There are too many people using Microsoft. But how they want to close this bug? Emulating Windows with Linux?

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