ubuntu sucks
I've been using Ubuntu since 606, and it used to be my favorite distribution, but now I want to say it sucks.
After upgrading to 11.10, I noticed that we don't have any choice but Unity. And the result is it is as slow as Vista. I launched gvim, which is my favourite editor. How laggy it is? You type a key, and it doesn't respond. After few seconds, the cursor begins to move down, and now what you want is to make it stop, and you can't. Do they also buffer your key stroke?
Ubuntu always bring us some funny bugs. And today I got one. cups-pdf doesn't have a backend. Then I check the package, and to my surprise dpkg tells me that cups-pdf doesn't have /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf any more.
I remember the Ubuntu #1 bug. There are too many people using Microsoft. But how they want to close this bug? Emulating Windows with Linux?