Saturday, September 02, 2006
  Py 2.5 what's new 之 with

8 PEP 343: The 'with' statement

The 'with' statement clarifies code that previously would use try...finally
blocks to ensure that clean-up code is executed. In this section, I'll discuss
the statement as it will commonly be used. In the next section, I'll examine the
implementation details and show how to write objects for use with this statement.

'with' 语句的功能是执行清理代码,它要比了我们过去用的 try ... finally清楚得多。
本章我会先探讨它是怎么用的,然后再研究其实现的细节,并且写一个能给 with 语句用的对象。

The 'with' statement is a new control-flow structure whose basic structure is:

'with' statement是一个新的流程控制结构,其基本的语法如下:

with expression [as variable]:

The expression is evaluated, and it should result in an object that supports the
context management protocol. This object may return a value that can optionally
be bound to the name variable. (Note carefully that variable is not assigned the
result of expression.) The object can then run set-up code before with-block is
executed and some clean-up code is executed after the block is done, even if the
block raised an exception.

(with语句会)先计算表达式,得到一个实现context management接口(这里pep作者使用了protocol,
是不是把这个值绑定到变量名("name variable")上。(请注意,这不是将表达式到值赋值给变量。)
然后对象先运行预备代码("set-up code"),再执行with-block,最后在离开block的时候,

To enable the statement in Python 2.5, you need to add the following directive
to your module:

要在Python 2.5里面用with语句,你得在module里面加上下面这行:

from __future__ import with_statement

The statement will always be enabled in Python 2.6.
等到了Python 2.6,你就不用再这么麻烦了。

Some standard Python objects now support the context management protocol and
can be used with the 'with' statement. File objects are one example:

有些Python对象已经实现了context management接口,因此现在就可以用在with语句里里。

with open('/etc/passwd', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
print line
... more processing code ...

After this statement has executed, the file object in f will have been automatically
closed, even if the 'for' loop raised an exception part-way through the block.

只要这个语句运行结束,即便是因为 for 循环运行到一半的时候抛出了异常,

The threading module's locks and condition variables also support the 'with' statement:

threading模块的lock和condition对象也支持with 语句
(据shhgs得理解,这里的locks表示threading里面的所有lock,如Lock, RLock都已经支持with了):

lock = threading.Lock()
with lock:
# Critical section of code

The lock is acquired before the block is executed and always released once the block
is complete.


The decimal module's contexts, which encapsulate the desired precision and rounding
characteristics for computations, provide a context_manager() method for getting a
context manager:

至少Py2.5b1里面是没有这个方法,你得用get_manager() ),这个context对象

import decimal

# Displays with default precision of 28 digits
v1 = decimal.Decimal('578')
print v1.sqrt()

ctx = decimal.Context(prec=16)
# 根据shhgs的试验,ctx对象是没有context_manager()方法的,
# 你得
# with ctx.get_manager() :
with ctx.context_manager():
# All code in this block uses a precision of 16 digits.
# The original context is restored on exiting the block.
print v1.sqrt()

8.1 Writing Context Managers
Under the hood, the 'with' statement is fairly complicated.
Most people will only use 'with' in company with existing objects
and don't need to know these details, so you can skip the rest of
this section if you like. Authors of new objects will need to understand
the details of the underlying implementation and should keep reading.


A high-level explanation of the context management protocol is:

context management 接口的大致概括如下:

The expression is evaluated and should result in an object called a
``context manager''. The context manager must have __enter__() and __exit__() methods.

(with语句先)计算表达式,拿到一个被成为context manager(上下文管理器)的对象。
这个context manager必须提供__enter__()和__exit__()方法。

The context manager's __enter__() method is called.
The value returned is assigned to VAR.
If no 'as VAR' clause is present, the value is simply discarded.

然后(with)再调用context manager的__enter__()方法。
如果语句里面还有'as VAR',那么它会顺手把(__enter__()所返回的)值赋给VAR。
如果没有'as VAR',这个值就丢了。

The code in BLOCK is executed.


If BLOCK raises an exception, the __exit__(type, value, traceback) is called
with the exception details, the same values returned by sys.exc_info().
The method's return value controls whether the exception is re-raised:
any false value re-raises the exception, and True will result in suppressing it.
You'll only rarely want to suppress the exception, because if you do the author
of the code containing the 'with' statement will never realize anything went wrong.

如果BLOCK引发了异常,那么它会根据这个异常去调用__exit__(type, value, traceback)。
异常往上抛: false值表示再抛,True表示把它压下来。一般来说你不太需要去压制异常,

If BLOCK didn't raise an exception, the __exit__() method is still called,
but type, value, and traceback are all None.

如果BLOCK没有引发异常,with还是会调用__exit__()方法,只是这时type, value,

Let's think through an example. I won't present detailed code but will only
sketch the methods necessary for a database that supports transactions.


(For people unfamiliar with database terminology: a set of changes to the database
are grouped into a transaction. Transactions can be either committed, meaning that
all the changes are written into the database, or rolled back, meaning that the
changes are all discarded and the database is unchanged. See any database textbook
for more information.)

(这段话是为那些不熟悉数据库的朋友准备的: 所谓transaction就是把一组对数据库的修改捆绑起来。
你可以commit一个transaction,也就是说把这些修改全部写入数据库;也可以roll back,

Let's assume there's an object representing a database connection.
Our goal will be to let the user write code like this:

架设这里有一个表示database connection的对象。我们的目标是要让用户能这样写代码:

db_connection = DatabaseConnection()
with db_connection as cursor:
cursor.execute('insert into ...')
cursor.execute('delete from ...')
# ... more operations ...

The transaction should be committed if the code in the block runs flawlessly or
rolled back if there's an exception. Here's the basic interface for DatabaseConnection
that I'll assume:

如果block运行无误的话,这个transaction就算是commit了。只要有异常,我们就roll back。

class DatabaseConnection:
# Database interface
def cursor (self):
"Returns a cursor object and starts a new transaction"
def commit (self):
"Commits current transaction"
def rollback (self):
"Rolls back current transaction"

The __enter__() method is pretty easy, having only to start a new transaction.
For this application the resulting cursor object would be a useful result,
so the method will return it. The user can then add as cursor to their 'with'
statement to bind the cursor to a variable name.

cursor 对象会用得着,所以 __enter__() 得把它返回出去。这样用户就能在with语句里用cursor了。

class DatabaseConnection:
def __enter__ (self):
# Code to start a new transaction
cursor = self.cursor()
return cursor

The __exit__() method is the most complicated
because it's where most of the work has to be done.
The method has to check if an exception occurred.
If there was no exception, the transaction is committed.
The transaction is rolled back if there was an exception.

它得检查是不是有异常。如果没有,它得负责commit,如果有它得roll back。

In the code below, execution will just fall off the end of the function,
returning the default value of None. None is false, so the exception will
be re-raised automatically. If you wished, you could be more explicit and
add a return statement at the marked location.


class DatabaseConnection:
def __exit__ (self, type, value, tb):
if tb is None:
# No exception, so commit
# Exception occurred, so rollback.
# return False

8.2 The contextlib module
The new contextlib module provides some functions and a decorator that are useful
for writing objects for use with the 'with' statement.


The decorator is called contextfactory, and lets you write a single generator
function instead of defining a new class. The generator should yield exactly one value.
The code up to the yield will be executed as the __enter__() method,
and the value yielded will be the method's return value that will get bound to the
variable in the 'with' statement's as clause, if any. The code after the yield will be
executed in the __exit__() method. Any exception raised in the block will be raised
by the yield statement.

yield出来的值会绑定到 with 语句的 as 子句的变量,如果有的话。yield后面的代码是__exit__()要执行的。

Our database example from the previous section could be written using this decorator as:


from contextlib import contextfactory

def db_transaction (connection):
cursor = connection.cursor()
yield cursor

db = DatabaseConnection()
with db_transaction(db) as cursor:

The contextlib module also has a nested(mgr1, mgr2, ...) function
that combines a number of context managers so you don't need to write nested
'with' statements. In this example, the single 'with' statement both starts a database
transaction and acquires a thread lock:

contextlib模块还提供了一个能把多个context manager捆绑起来的nested(mgr1, mgr2, ... )函数,

lock = threading.Lock()
with nested (db_transaction(db), lock) as (cursor, locked):

Finally, the closing(object) function returns object so that it can be bound
to a variable, and calls object.close() at the end of the block.


import urllib, sys
from contextlib import closing

with closing(urllib.urlopen('http://www.yahoo.com')) as f:
for line in f:

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